Tuesday, April 19, 2005

How great is our God... How great am I?

No, this is about pride or being pompous. But the question today was asked "Since we are created in God's image and He is great, do you see yourself as great?" What a challenge! To see the wretchedness of who I am -- a sinner bought with the blood of Christ -- and yet to see the greatness of who I am through His redemption! Pastor Norm said this past Sunday that sometimes our problem is our vision; we don't see ourselves as He sees us and as a result of not seeing who we are, we don't see who others are (in the Spirit). So the question is, how great are you?

The beauty of a whisper

Whisper. In this day and age I think we've lost the appreciation for the whisper. But there are times when the whisper beckons us. When a lover whispers in our ear. When there is a secret being revealed. Have you heard His whisper lately? It's on the wind. It's in the sun. It's His love manifest.

It's me! Posted by Hello

the fountain in the foyer and the front doors Posted by Hello

identity wall #1 - identity walls in our church have the words of our distinctives on them as well as titles to books and previous series we've had.  Posted by Hello

MC Cafe in the foyer Posted by Hello

the podium and cross on stage Posted by Hello

the sanctuary Posted by Hello

close up of flowers Posted by Hello

flowers hanging from the ceiling of our foyer Posted by Hello

Monday, April 18, 2005

The Love of God

I've been so increasing impacted by the Love of God.

I viewed The Passion of the Christ for the third time and cried, being greatly impacted on how He not only endured all of that for me but He scorned it! How could one scorn something that horrific and for me (and the rest of the world)? I had asked the question, "What joy could be so great for you to do that Lord." He reponded, "You."

Then I ended up in 1 John and have not been able to leave the book. It is on the love of God, yes, but it is on loving others as well. Something I am very lacking in. It wasn't until I was hit with His love, however, that I see how my judgments and my own sin kept me from loving Tong, Jen, April and Jackie.

I am a wretched sinner. Yet He loves me.