What is radical anyway?
I've been thinking about this today. What does one consider to be radical. I am at work, it's a little after 3 p.m. and I've been awake for 13 hours already, after 4 hours of sleep. So that means, essentially, that in the last 34 hours I've had 4 hours of sleep. Not TOO bad... but when you consider I won't be asleep until around 10 p.m. That will be nearly two days on 4 hours' sleep. So the big question is, why? Why go without sleep like that? Prayer. I went to a 3 a.m. prayer meeting. When I say that to someone and they go "you did what?!" I remember that this type of a life is not typical. Of course, the funny part is when you say you were praying and they respond that they would have fallen asleep. I just say back, "Not in OUR prayer meetings!" They are not that quiet, are they.I was shocked last night to hear that the prayer meeting was only a few hours away instead of a whole day and a few hours away. I called someone to doublecheck and she mentioned, when I started to go into "how am I going to do this?!" the grace of God will be there in my obedience. Boy, was she ever right! Today has been amazing. I've felt the peace of God and where I have been stressed all week, I'm been calm (mellow) and fairly focused. Of course, the three trips to Starbucks probably helped ;)
God is so faithful! His grace IS sufficient in my weakness. Today is a great demonstration for that!
So back to radical. I suspect many view me as such for some things that are common and natural to me. I'm glad I'm part of a radical group :)
Main Entry: 1rad·i·cal Pronunciation: 'ra-di-kal
Function: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Late Latin radicalis, from Latin radic-, radix root -- more at ROOT1 : of, relating to, or proceeding from a root: as a (1) : of or growing from the root of a plant
2 : of or relating to the origin : FUNDAMENTAL
3 a : marked by a considerable departure from the usual or traditional : EXTREME b : tending or disposed to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions, or institutions c : of, relating to, or constituting a political group associated with views, practices, and policies of extreme change d : advocating extreme measures to retain or restore a political state of affairs
Yep... radical... that's me :)
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